13 April 2010

love thy neighbor

The sweet (shall we say) "older" couple across the street have lived in their home for 38 years. Theirs was the first home built in this newer neighborhood of a very historic town. So, imagine my delight when I saw their garage sale sign last weekend. Old folks! Lived in the same home for almost 40 years! Garage sale! SCORE! Problem being, it's Saturday and the sale actually started on Friday- I saw the sign on my way to work on Friday (huge disappointment- what did I miss? I'll never know) and on this Saturday morning I have just $3 in the wallet. Darn it. Double darn it. But I grab my $3 and head on over just as it opens at 10am, unshowered, no makeup, hair not even yet brushed, in my not-at-all cute sweats, sacrificing vanity and pride for the hope of good score. Pretty much everything was just a quarter! Yep, twenty five cents. YAY! Now, understand that I need to have a garage sale myself so I am judicious about bringing more "stuff" home (until I start doing etsy and/or ebay) but here's what I spent my money on: 5 pillowcases, one twin sheet and a nice leather belt. The pillowcases and sheet will be used for some future sewing projects yet to be determined. The belt, added to the collection. I know, this wasn't the greatest score ever, but it was the my first garage sale of the 2010 season and I felt satisfied.

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